Sunday, August 1, 2010

What am i doing ???

It's almost an year now since i looked back at my blog site.Have i gotten so busy?? No, not at all is the straight response from my heart.
What happened to all my inspirations to be a regular blogger.Did i loose my interest?No,the answer is i had suppressed my interest by letting my all good habits and interest decay due to various trivial issues in life.
Well it's TIME which has taught me a lesson as it does for everyone in their life.What i have learnt is PATIENCE is the key for happiness and success.
Cribbing about the failures and the issues around, i forgot the real me.I forgot what my interests are.I forgot what my habits are.I forgot to follow what's happening in the outside world.I forgot to do my regular routine.I know it is unbelievable.Yes, it happened in my life and to your surprise for not any big reasons.Unnecessarily i was distressing me and also the people around me.
Did i gain anything from that?Nope, just wasted the so called precious time for nothing.

When i did not really have time i cribbed saying i have no time for my interests, when i really did have time i ruined my time cribbing for silly problems that was bothering me.
One should indeed understand the definition of a problem before claiming he/she is stuck with a problem.I would like to reemphasize that PATIENCE is the only mantra for any happy life of a human.

As the saying goes, "It's better late than never",am happy that at least now i have realised my foolishness,in spite of wasting months of my life and my loved and dear ones with cribs and pessimistic thoughts.

Well,with the blessings of the LORD I have realised what i am doing and what i should be doing.
Now i am all set to catchup with all my interests and regular habits back... :) :) :)

1 comment:

Nanda said...

Atlast u found a way to keep urself occupied :).