Sunday, March 8, 2009

Should Women's day be celebrated???

Well,i know it is a very old topic to be discussed up on.Nonetheless, i am obliged to write about it on the International Woman's Day!!

Women's day is basically, celebrated to recognize the old achievements,present and future initiatives taken by women in order to bring a difference in society,politics and economics.

Hence, it is a day allocated for celebrating Women's recognition.Every corporate encourages the celebration of the day and organizes a lot of events and distributes awards to women recognizing their achievements.

Now it is just not the names of men listed in any top achievements across the globe, gone are those days..

It makes you feel indeed proud when we see women taking equal role against men in every field.
It is really a great achievement, where we have reached from no where!!

The battle is not over yet,long way to go.. We still have villages in a lot of developing countries,where still women are discriminated.Any country would be called a developed country only when a women gets full independence and equality in every nook and corner of the nation.

Women in the good community are blessed enough to celebrate the day of women's recognition but on the very day there would definitely be hundreds of thousand women tortured due to various common reasons.
For instance, it is really cruel and heartless to see a women tortured by another women
in the name of dowry and stuffs like that.There are numerous other problems that a women faces everyday at her workplace, at home, on the way to work and the list goes on and on..
Though there are myriads of laws in place, these tortures for women are prevalent across our nation.
Women are forced to get accommodated to such situation and these are tagged as part and parcel of their life.Such complaints from women are cruelly sidelined with out giving any priority.

Though i can list all the tortures confronted by a women, it is very pathetic, i do not have a remedy to list for the same.

I wish and pray GOD for some great miracles to happen in the coming years and hope the situation for women becomes really blessed and that will be the real accomplishment of International Women's Day celebration!!!


திவ்யா செந்தமிழ் செல்வன் said...

wow dear it is good to see an article like this from you. as you mentioned some think that women have equal rights infact more than men. what they overlook is the harrasment most women face in the name of gender. great to see this article. keep them coming.

Mak said...

trying to be the typical female chauvinist, is it??
jokes apart, wat u hav written isn't totally untrue, women defintely r still discriminated against. but celebrating such days with fancy names doesn't help, does it? for me, the root cause of all evil is poverty n lack of education....educate the masses and that shud take care of a lot of our prblms...