Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How different was August 2010 from August 2009?

What is special about this period?Can i afford to forget it in my life,the answer is the reason for this post.
August 2009 came back from the US with tears and again in August 2010 came back to the homeland from the US after crying for days.
The tears on my eyes on both these phases of my life were not the same.August 2009, the reason for my tears was why should i come back to India.
The reason for tears on August 2010 was why should i stay in the US.
I know it sounds ridiculous.Well, this is the truth of the life.
In 2009, I liked the independent life of the US, i liked the dollars i earned, i liked the trips i made in the US with my friends,
most of all i liked the work place.In 2010, the independent life of the US made me feel lonely, the sum i earned made me feel,
is money everything in life, i had no friends to make trips, above all was not satisfied with the workplace.
To my surprise all my dreams about the US came true in 2009 whereas, in 2010 all these dreams were shattered to nothing.
This is the period when i realized life is not about just fantasy.There are hard truth in life which we need to confront without any excuses.
GOD threw me wonderful opportunity to understand the fact that life for an individual would not be consistent and predictable.
An individual should be ready to face the challenges of life with all courage in order to see a fruitful ending.The reality is something that comes to you without effort will not stay longer.
The later US trip proved me wrong about all my thoughts of US lifestyle, it made me understand the fact that it is always not fun to be alone.
I am totally convinced now to be back in India unlike August 2009.I do not have any hard feelings now in my heart that i was forced to come back in 2009 by my family.
During both of these period of my stay in the US had completely different experience and had good learning in both personal and official front.
I had a memorable fun filled experience during my farmer trip but more than that the bitter experience that i had during my later trip has thought me few good lessons of life.
Hence, from my heart I thank the LORD for having given me bitter experience during my later trip of the US.
Also i thank my company for giving me an opportunity to understand this truth of the life.
Now my mind is totally clear without any strong thoughts about enjoying US lifestyle.
And top of all the good news to my dear and near ones is i am not going to crib about the US trip anymore.. :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What am i doing ???

It's almost an year now since i looked back at my blog site.Have i gotten so busy?? No, not at all is the straight response from my heart.
What happened to all my inspirations to be a regular blogger.Did i loose my interest?No,the answer is i had suppressed my interest by letting my all good habits and interest decay due to various trivial issues in life.
Well it's TIME which has taught me a lesson as it does for everyone in their life.What i have learnt is PATIENCE is the key for happiness and success.
Cribbing about the failures and the issues around, i forgot the real me.I forgot what my interests are.I forgot what my habits are.I forgot to follow what's happening in the outside world.I forgot to do my regular routine.I know it is unbelievable.Yes, it happened in my life and to your surprise for not any big reasons.Unnecessarily i was distressing me and also the people around me.
Did i gain anything from that?Nope, just wasted the so called precious time for nothing.

When i did not really have time i cribbed saying i have no time for my interests, when i really did have time i ruined my time cribbing for silly problems that was bothering me.
One should indeed understand the definition of a problem before claiming he/she is stuck with a problem.I would like to reemphasize that PATIENCE is the only mantra for any happy life of a human.

As the saying goes, "It's better late than never",am happy that at least now i have realised my foolishness,in spite of wasting months of my life and my loved and dear ones with cribs and pessimistic thoughts.

Well,with the blessings of the LORD I have realised what i am doing and what i should be doing.
Now i am all set to catchup with all my interests and regular habits back... :) :) :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Is RACISM prevalent only outside India??

Again i am back with an old debate topic, enticed by the hype created by media on the recent assault of Indians in Australia.

Why are we fighting against Australian authorities to get an answer for the recent attacks on Indians in Australia?We see Indian media projecting the anguish of the Indians on the recent attacks in Australia.How much is this justified??It is truly a waste of time.

Did we think a minute before that, how safe India is to its own people.It's a very well known fact that in India, there still exists discrimination across the nation based on caste,religion,sex and color.

Why Indian authorities are not questioned when Indians witness humiliation in their own motherland.Media and public are appalled on the recent attacks on India and trying to denounce the attack.

It is indeed misfortune to have a media which just focuses on the welfare of Indians outside India.
We all know, how people are ill treated in most part of the nation based on their state,caste,income etc..For instance, any north eastern Indian is addressed as chinkies in any other part of India, resulting in making them feel as though they belong to outside India.
They would be ridiculed to such an extent that, they start rethinking to come out of their state for higher education or career.
Any REC is the top notch institution, yet why students of many parts of India are hesitant to join Bihar REC.Media should start investigating on the safety concerns in Indian educational institutions and bring them to light.

We proudly project to the outside world that, India is a multilingual country.Only we Indians know the real harassment and humiliation an Indian undergoes in his own motherland.Still, it is never brought to light and addressed, because this will not make the media more popular.

Moreover, coming back to the attacks on Indians in Australia,the facts on the assault are revealing that, it is not because of racial discrimination; it is an attack by lower class mass for money.
Media is diverting the issue and discussing something which is immaterial, forgetting the fact that India is no better.

We should not forget that for India to become a super power not only the country's economy contributes, but also every individuals mind should be revived and a feeling of equality should be germinated which would make India more safe and united.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Should Women's day be celebrated???

Well,i know it is a very old topic to be discussed up on.Nonetheless, i am obliged to write about it on the International Woman's Day!!

Women's day is basically, celebrated to recognize the old achievements,present and future initiatives taken by women in order to bring a difference in society,politics and economics.

Hence, it is a day allocated for celebrating Women's recognition.Every corporate encourages the celebration of the day and organizes a lot of events and distributes awards to women recognizing their achievements.

Now it is just not the names of men listed in any top achievements across the globe, gone are those days..

It makes you feel indeed proud when we see women taking equal role against men in every field.
It is really a great achievement, where we have reached from no where!!

The battle is not over yet,long way to go.. We still have villages in a lot of developing countries,where still women are discriminated.Any country would be called a developed country only when a women gets full independence and equality in every nook and corner of the nation.

Women in the good community are blessed enough to celebrate the day of women's recognition but on the very day there would definitely be hundreds of thousand women tortured due to various common reasons.
For instance, it is really cruel and heartless to see a women tortured by another women
in the name of dowry and stuffs like that.There are numerous other problems that a women faces everyday at her workplace, at home, on the way to work and the list goes on and on..
Though there are myriads of laws in place, these tortures for women are prevalent across our nation.
Women are forced to get accommodated to such situation and these are tagged as part and parcel of their life.Such complaints from women are cruelly sidelined with out giving any priority.

Though i can list all the tortures confronted by a women, it is very pathetic, i do not have a remedy to list for the same.

I wish and pray GOD for some great miracles to happen in the coming years and hope the situation for women becomes really blessed and that will be the real accomplishment of International Women's Day celebration!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009


NO hike, no recognition, no rewards only retrenchment.With recession ruling the country the bad news goes on and on,how can it be good for IPL alone?
How can IPL be claimed as recession proof?
This can be true only in lines with the common joke that is being circulated,
Vijay Mallya would spend millions in hiring a world class player at the cost of a kingfisher pilot.. :)

I agree to the fact that the richest tournament earned a huge sum to all that were involved in the business during the first season.
However, with the nation facing the worst side of business cycle it is uncertain to expect the same result this season too.

With the big multinationals and Indian giants planning all possible strategies for cost cutting to
overcome economy contraction,it is unpractical to expect them to spend in fat figures for endorsement and sponsors.

Next, having known about the threat to cricketing world,how can we put the lives of cricketers
and the hundreds of thousand innocent lives at peril.

Private security forces might be arrranged by the IPL committee , however, it will be secure enough for the cricketers but there are all possibilities for the audience to become the victims for lack of security.
Security is a serious concern across the country, which cannot be by passed.
General election should be honoured and cannot be overlooked for the sake of the multi millionaire game.

Knowing the situation well ahead it is good to plan accordingly than regretting latter.

It is just the matter of entertainment to the public, if they miss this, it is not gonna cost much,
anyway we have twenty 20 wolrd cup and other matches scheduled for latter this year.

Needless to say, even the club leaders are capable enough to cope with the expense occurred so for in organizing the richest tournament.

However, the lives of world champions and innocent audience is priceless.

It is indeed doubtful if IPL would make the same profit as last year with recession dominating this season.
Hence, considering the challenges faced by IPL this season, BCCI shld rethink and take an optimum decision!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


* When a user requests a JSF page, the request goes to Faces Servlet.
* Faces Servlet is the controller which examines the user requests and calls various actions on the model.
*JSF user interface component represent the view layer.

JSF Application

Any JSF application includes the followinf pieces,

* Set of JSPs for presentation
* Java Beans
* Application configuration file whch defines navigation rules,configures beans and other custom objects.
* Web.xml
* Set of custom objects created by the developers.
* Custom tags needed for reperesenting custom objects.